Vanessa G Fitcast

Ep47. Make Your New Year's Goal Setting Simple: Here's How

Episode Notes

A lot of people overcomplicate goal setting. By doing so, you actually decrease the likelihood that you'll eventually reach your goals. Spending too much time thinking about goals, and not enough time designing your systems doesn't get you anywhere!

Join is in today's episode as we break down the most effective way to set up your goals for the 2022 year!

Topics Covered:

3:57-4:57 Write your goals in ink, and your deadlines in pencil

6:38 - What are you most excited about for 2022?

7:12- What is your one year vision? What do you want your day to look like one year from now?

10:22- What are your process goals?

11:17- What do you need to stop doing?

13:51 - Who do you need in order to achieve your process goals and ultimately live the vision you are creating for yourself. 

15:44 - What is your theme in 2022?


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